Category: Zemax

  • Optical Evaluation of a PIR

    Overview of the HC-SR501 PIR Motion Sensor The HC-SR501 passive infrared (PIR) motion sensor is popular with Arduino enthusiasts due to its low cost, on-board controls, and customizability. At the heart of this sensor are two pyroelectric elements inside a TO-5 can. The use of pyroelectric elements is fundamentally why this device is sensitive to…

  • Image Stabilization by Design

    Ever wondered how shake correction can be achieved in a lens design?

  • Focused Reflections from Architectural Windows or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Death Rays

    If you haven’t already heard of the notorious “death rays” created by solar reflections off the concave faces of the Vdara Hotel and 20 Fenchurch Street, I’d recommend reading the entertaining article, “A Brief History of Buildings that Melt Things”.  Easy to laugh when it’s not your jag that’s melting. Viñoly, the architect of both buildings was quoted by the Guardian as…

  • Diffractive Lens vs. Google Cardboard’s Asphere

    As I mentioned in my last post, Google Cardboard is the interim hardware for developing Daydream apps.  The lenses look very similar to those used in the Oculus Rift development kits, although a bit faster and smaller in diameter.  The field of view is also a bit smaller.  On-axis, the MTF is nearly perfect, but off axis…

  • Google Daydream is a Virtual Reality

    At Google I/O on Wednesday, Clay Bavor announced Daydream, which is Google’s new platform for high-quality mobile VR.  It will be released this fall in conjunction with VR-optimized Android N.  The hardware will consist of a headset and controller that can be used with any “daydream-ready” phone (Samsung, HTC, and LG are among manufacturers designing to this spec).  As with Cardboard,…

  • Fresnel Lenses and the Oculus Rift CV1

    The new consumer version of the Oculus Rift has just been released and there’s been a lot of buzz about the new hybrid fresnel lenses and how they compare with those in the HTC Vive Pre. Based on the reviews, these may be different from the lenses that I demoed at CES and apparently, the screen door effect is very minimal.  Here’s…